TurboCloud| | Docs| Handbook| GitHub

PaaS at the price of a VPS with zero vendor lock-in, horizontal scaling and built-in security features

Works with your favorite cloud providers or your own hardware. Deploy web and IoT projects from local folders and GitHub, Bitbucket in minutes

TurboCloud with DigitalOcean
TurboCloud with Hetzner
TurboCloud with Scaleway
TurboCloud with Vultr
TurboCloud with Raspberry Pi OS

How to deploy web apps with TurboCloud

No registration, no credit card, and no GitHub/Bitbucket permissions required

What You Need

Deploy from Local Folders

On your local development machine, change the directory to the project's root folder that you want to deploy and run the deployment command. $ cd my_project

$ curl https://turbocloud.dev/deploy | sh -s -- -i server_ip

Deploy from GitHub and Bitbucket

SSH into your server running a clean installation of Ubuntu 22.04, and execute the setup command. Once the installation is complete, start the TurboCloud CLI. $ ssh root@server_ip

$ curl https://turbocloud.dev/setup | bash -s

$ turbocloud

Main features

TurboCloud has everything you need to deploy, scale, and secure your web projects. Start with one service and scale to millions of users with no vendor lock-in and unbelievably low cloud costs.